Personal Training in Columbia, SC


Make no mistake — this isn’t about just getting in a few personal training sessions, this is about finally making the commitment to live your best life without limitations.

You need something different. You can’t stand the typical gym personal trainer where they sit you on a machine and counts your reps while they scroll through their facebook feed. Where everyone seems to be talking more than they are working and barely even breaking a sweat. That’s not for you. You’re not coming to the gym for a good conversation and a cookie-cutter program that isn’t addressing your specific issues. You work hard in every aspect of your life, you are very busy and you want to make sure that the time you carve out of your busy schedule of work and family duties isn’t a waste of your valuable time.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.



Our job as your coach is provide you with the hands on coaching you need for the most pressing issues you have. Most of our personal training clients need to get (and stay) out of pain first. For you, this might be taking a step back to focus on soft tissue work and mobility first. There are some days initially when your heart rate might not get over a 100 BPM, but understand that as coaches, we’re looking at the bigger picture, our goal is to maximize your potential as an athlete in this game called life.  We have a game plan that expands beyond the training session.  It just requires the patience to understand that there is a bigger picture, and that showing up to work consistently is necessary to get there.

Quality of Life

Wellness encompasses more than what the body looks like on the outside.  Our personal training clients are getting off prescription drugs, getting out of the chronic pain cycle, learning to shut the TV off at 9 and starting a bedtime ritual that gives them 7+ hours of sleep, taking their foam roller or lacrosse ball on a trip, asking for help with eating tips when going out to eat, as well as speaking with their trainer to address a pain issue instead of ignoring it and pushing through a workout.  These things are ultimately the keys that lead to long term success.  In our modern “shiny object” world we are convinced by the media and marketers that there’s a fitness solution out there that will solve all of our problems.  It just isn’t true.  The cold, hard truth is much less sexy.  We work with our clients beyond the gym to master of these wellness concepts and achieve an improvement in QUALITY of life.

Intelligent programs.

You don’t need another program. You need a blueprint for your journey to better health. When we program for personal training, we address pain and limitations in functional movement first. If we don’t, you wind up on the same merry-go-round you’ve been on, never making any progress. The functional movement screen gives us a lot of information that allows us to guide our clients based on quantifiable measurements. Once we address primary issues, we re-test and re-evaluate to let your movement patterns tell us where we need to go next. Move well first, then you can progress to incorporating more strength and functional training so you can finally see the serious lasting results you’ve been seeking.

Prices start at $280/monthly

We get it. You know your health is important and it’s not that you wanted to get off track, but you’re busy! You’re not in your 20’s and things don’t work the way they used to, you don’t have time to mess around with fitness and nutrition programs that don’t work. You’ve been-there-done-that with programs that aren’t tailored to your needs that leave you unmotivated, injured, or without the results you’re looking for.