KORE Summer School Challenge: Improve Rotary Stability

With the disruption of schedules and high level of travel that occurs during the summer months, we decided that we’d take this opportunity to work on improving a component of the functional movement screen that is almost universally dysfunctional (well… at least in 99% of the people we screen).

The great thing about this summer school challenge is that you can take it with you while traveling this summer because we designed this program to be only body weight exercises.

Why do you need rotary stability? The FMS fancy definition for the purpose of the rotary stability screen is this:

The rotary stability test is a complex movement requiring proper neuromuscular coordination and energy transfer from on segment of the body to another through the torso. The rotary stability test assesses multi‐planar trunk stability during a combined upper and lower extremity motion.

Well for most of us non-robot humans, what in the heck does that mean?

The rotary stability test is looking at the following things:

  • How well you know how to stabilize your shoulder (specifically your scapula)

  • How well you know to stabilize your hip

  • If you have enough strength and stability in your trunk and core muscles to reflexively support your body on one side as the other side attempts a movement.

  • If you have enough mobility in your hip, knee and shoulder to perform the movement on the other side.

    Bottom line… none of us are doing these things well and being stuck in front of a computer, phone, iPad, steering wheel for most of our waking hours every day is taking us further away from the ability to do the things above.

If you want to spend the summer months doing a few exercises each day to help get your body to start doing these things well, fill out the form below and we’ll drop 8 weeks of programming straight into your e-mailbox! We get started June 13th!

The FMS Rotary Stability Test


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