Mindful eating?

Between the stress of modern life, the stress of a pandemic, the stress of managing our daily lives, the concept of taking some time for quiet and mindfulness is something we see stressed more and more.  We all know that a focus on mindfulness is great for our stress and anxiety but what about approaching our eating habits with a bit of mindfulness?  


In the most simplified explanation, mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of not only what we are doing but how we are doing it. This is a quality that we are already in possession of, but accessing it has become more and more difficult in our modern day world of omnipresent screens never ending alerts.

We can pretty much assume the opposite of mindfulness is happening as we sit at a table in front of the television or out to dinner with everyone’s faces lit up with the blue glow of their mobile devices. Almost all of us are guilty as charged but when we fail to apply mindfulness to our eating habits, how much are we handicapping our ability to have a healthy and successful approach to eating?


This month we’re going dive into the concept and practice of mindful eating and come up with some strategies to help you put your attention on your meal instead of your email/text messages.


Cueing for new habits


The Rite of Passage