The mindful eating strategy that will make inches of change.

Eat slowly.

Now that you’ve figured out some cues to be more present while you’re eating, we’ll give you a focus. This focal point will not only lead to more satisfying meals, but also reduce the amount you’re eating because you’ll give yourself time to recognize that you are full instead of the empty plate, box, or bag being your cue.

Eating slowly is one of the most important habits you can incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. No matter where you are or what you are eating, you can always be mindful to simply eat slowly.

It takes about twenty minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety, if you eat your entire meal in 10 minutes, you will never know how much of that meal you ACTUALLY need compared to just eating until the plate is clean. Research has shown that eating slowly actually results in eating LESS.

Eating slowly also helps your digestion allowing the enzymes that breakdown our food to work more effectively before the food hits the intestines.

Step 1:

Time your next breakfast, lunch, and dinner to see how long it normally takes you to eat. I bet you’ll be surprised.

Step 2:

See if you can add 5 or even 10 minutes to each meal.

Sit down to eat.

Savor the food, you know… actually taste it.

Put down your utensils between bites to chew your food and take a breath (or three) between bites.

Step 3:

Pay attention, see what’s left on your plate at the end of this little experiment.


Eat a treat... really, really slowly


Cueing for new habits