Why it’s so hard to put your devices  down


Without stopping cues, our brains are stuck plugged into our modern day version of the Matrix without any cue break free. But what exactly are stopping cues? 

In the real world, we are programmed to naturally adhere to stopping cues.  They are basically a signal to our brain that it is time to move on to the next task.

  • We get a cue to wrap up work and begin to end our day with the setting of the sun.

  • We get cue from our stomach to stop eating when it reaches a set full point.

  • We get a cue to stop traveling when we see that we’ve reached our destination. 

  • We get a cue to stop learning and begin applying our new knowledge when we reach the end of a course or workshop

Older mediums of our past time entertainment used to have stopping cues:

  • Books have chapters to indicate a place where you can stop reading and pick back up later.

  • Sporting events end and we leave the facility to head home.

  • When you reach the end of reading a newspaper, you fold it up and move on to something else.

  • Radio and TV stations used to sign off at Midnight

  • Movies and sitcoms used to end and the credits would roll then go to a commercial break.

  • Websites used to have footers at the bottom of every page.

  • Video games used to have levels where you could break up the play and take a pause.

Company’s a incentivized to keep our eyes glued to our screens which is why they’ve done everything possible to take away our “Stopping Cues”  

  • The credits for one show goes into a sidebar as the next show starts.

  • Social media scrolls endlessly.

  • Website pages go on and on and on without a need to click to go on to another page. 

  • Newer video games never end, there are no distinct levels.  Instead a character wanders through a virtual world endlessly.

  • TV Stations never sign off.

While not intentionally intending to harm your health, these companies are looking to make money. By removing all biological cues and keeping you engaged on their devices for hours on end, they are able to maximize their profits without you even being aware that your natural weaknesses have been exploited.


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