5 minute mobility for specific areas/issues

It's just a fact of life that some areas of our body are going to be more prone to tightness, trigger points, tweaks, or spasms.  For me, it's my hips.  Because I stand and walk a lot everyday, my hips get tight and require more attention than other body parts.  Having a 5 minute routine to go through daily helps keep this area from getting too tight and out of pain.  These 5 minute routines we put together for the Neck, Chest & Shoulders, Upper spine and back, Lower spine and back, hips, and legs are a great movement routine for you to find to incorporate into your day.    

Each of these series takes about 6-7 minutes to complete, pick and choose as you like or just take one for each day of the week! 


Neck Series:(<-- Click for video)

L / R

Up / Down

Side / Side

Up and R/ L

Down and R/ L

Chicken F/B

Chicken S/S

Chicken circles

Big Yawn

Figure 8 with nose

Chest & Shoulders

Chest & Shoulders (<--Click for video)

Shrug / Drop

Roll Fwd / Roll Back

Circles OH, T, Front, Back

Single Arm circles Fwd / Back / Figure 8

Over under circles

Across Check and Back

Over shoulder taps

Behind the back chest expansions

Double arm circles Fwd /Back

Elbow Curls

Upper Spine / Back

Upper spine (<-- Click for video)

T-spine flexion and extension

T-spine side to side

Rag Doll Fwd

Rag Doll Backwards 

Side to side reaches

Quadruped Chest collapse

Quad Rotations

Side lying rib grabs

Side lying full circle sweeps

Lower Spine / Back

Lower Spine (<-- Click for video)

Hula hoop

Pelvic tilts lateral / fwd and back, circles 


Spinal wave

Wide stance through the feet reaches

Hands on knees cat/cow

Cat/Cow side to side

Childs pose to cobra

Windshield wipers


Hips (<-- Click for video)

Split stance hip circles

Medieval dance

Leg swings fwd / back

Single leg circles fwd / side /back


Knee circles

Frog rocking face up

Knee hug hip rotation

Quadruped hip circles


Legs (<-- Click for video)

Toe touch progression

Wide stance sumo squat

Wide stance foot to foot walk

Cossak lunge with hand walk

½ Kn dorsi flexion

½ kn adductor stretch

Supine Bent leg straight leg

Supine leg lowers

Ankle circles point and flex


20 minute joint mobility follow along routine that you can do anywhere, anytime


Key things to keep in mind while you are going through a joint mobility session (and a 30 min follow along)