Hacks to reduce cravings and discomfort while fasting. 

What if you could get all of the benefits of intermittent fasting and still have your coffee too?  

What if you could get all of the benefits of intermittent fasting and still have your coffee too?  

Sure, you can be a purist and go through your whole fasting period with just water.  But what if there were a few hacks that you could use to not only do your intermittent fasting protocol, but maximize your comfort level as well as some of the benefits of fasting?  Here’s the cheat sheet, but if you want to learn more about the science behind why these hacks work, check out Dave Asprey’s new book, Fast this Way

Hacks to reduce cravings and discomfort while fasting. 

  1. Drink at least 2 cups of high quality black coffee - Caffeine works to double the production of the fat burning molecules called ketones.  Once in a state of ketosis, your body will bypass the need for the carbohydrates causing the cravings and go right into fat burning mode pulling the fat you already have from storage.

  2. Drink Bulletproof  coffee - Blend in a Tablespoon of grass-fed butter and 1-3 teaspoons of MCT oil into your coffee and you get all of the benefits of the caffeine with added benefits of increased ketone production, metabolism, more energy and fewer cravings.

  3. Add Prebiotic Fiber - to your coffee to feed your good gut bacteria, crowd out bad bacteria, and radically reduce your hunger.  

  4. Supplement Activated Charcoal - to quiet the complaints that your bad gut bacteria will present in the absence of sugar and processed carbohydrates as your body transfers over to fat burning mode.  Activated charcoal will also absorb some of the excess gas within your intestines, especially if your fiber intake is significantly increased with the addition of the prebiotic fiber to your coffee mentioned above.  

  5. Minimize your consumption of processed foods, high levels of high glycemic index foods on days before you plan to fast.  The high levels of carbohydrates will build up your stores and make it harder for you to shift over to fat burning mode, leaving you with longer periods of cravings and crankiness. 

A 18:6 protocol may look something like this.

7-7:30pm Finish up dinner with good quality fats, protein, and lower glycemic carbohydrates, then consume nothing but water for the rest of the evening.

6-10 am Consume a  cup of high quality coffee with 1 TBSP of butter, 1 tsp of MCT, and 1 scoop of prebiotic fiber blended in. Then nothing but water with remag and remyte (liquid minerals) added in.   Have activated charcoal on hand if you start to feel miserable or hangry.

1-1:30 pm Eat a late lunch

7-7:30 pm Eat dinner.

A one meal a day protocol looks something like this.

7-7:30pm Finish up dinner with good quality fats, protein, and lower glycemic carbohydrates, then consume nothing but water for the rest of the evening.

6-10 am Consume 1-2 cups of high quality coffee with 1 TBSP of butter, 1 tsp of MCT, and 1 scoop of prebiotic fiber blended in. Then nothing but water with remag and remyte (liquid minerals) added in. 

2-4 pm Take 2 Activated Charcoal with a large glass of water. 

7-7:30 pm Eat a normal dinner.


How to make coffee that will allow you to complete 16-24 hours of intermittent fasting with ease.


3 Types of intermittent fasting: