Vacation workouts: The litmus test workout.

This is a workout that I came up with for travel that serves as my litmus test to see where I am from a general fitness standpoint. I know that if I hit a certain amount of rounds in this test that I am where I need to be from a general fitness standpoint. If I fall below the mark, I know that my general fitness is a bit lower than where I would like it to remain. I do this workout every time I travel somewhere and it is easy to do in any small space or your hotel room with a towel on the floor.

This workout is for individuals who have a good fitness base already and don’t normally need modifications. In the video, I’ll show low modifications for the exercises but if this is too much for you, next week I’ll show something with less impact.

The workout:

Set a timer for 20 minutes, start with one repetition of each exercise and each round add a rep. Record how many rounds total plus how many reps you finished your last exercise (if you are in the middle of a set when the timer goes off). This will serve as your baseline measurement and a way to determine where you are each time you do this workout moving forward.

The exercises:

Walkout to push up: Start standing, fold forward and put your hands on the ground, walk your hands forward until your wrists are underneath your shoulders and your body is in a push up position keeping your legs as straight as possible. Do one push up then walk your hands back to your feet again keeping your legs as straight as possible. Stand up to complete the rep.

Squat: With your feet shoulder width apart and your toes slightly turned out, shift your weight back to your heels and pretend that you are trying to sit back into a chair. Drop your rear as deep as you can keeping your heels firmly planted. Return completely to standing.

Burpee: Start standing, feet hip width apart. Bent over to plant your hands just outside your feet, hop out to a push up position but do not allow your hips to sag down towards the ground (brace your abs to help keep the sag from happening). Hop your feet back to your hands and stand up completely to complete the rep.

Sumo Jumping Jack: Start standing with your feet hip width, jump and spread your feet as if you are doing a jumping jack but instead drop your rear towards the floor and place your hands to the floor in between your feet. Jump your feet back together as your bring your hands overhead to complete the rep.

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A travel workout series


Working out on vacation series: Modified Dynamic Warm up for Small Spaces