Vigorous Intensity Activities

Vigorous intensity activity can be described as:

  • Exercise that ranges over 6 METS (that requires you to use more than 6 times the energy it takes to sit on the couch)

  • Exercise that gets your heart rate in the range of 65-95% of your Age Predicted Max Heart Rate (more on that)

  • Exercise that gets your heart rate in the range of 60-89% of your Heart Rate Reserve (this is a better way to determine range if you know your resting heart rate and are not afraid of a little math!

    Activities that fall above the 6 METs range:

  • Walking 4.5 mile per hour pace (very brisk)

  • Cross country skiing 2.5 mph

  • Stationary Cycling 90-100 watts

  • Competitive Badminton

  • Rowing machine 100 Watts

  • Aerobic dance, high impact

  • Step aerobics with a 6-8 inch step

  • Basketball game

  • Calisthenics, vigorous effort

  • Circuit Training with minimal rest vigorous intensity

  • Outdoor cycling 12-14 mph

  • Singles tennis

  • Walking 5 mph

  • Running 6 mph

  • Swimming laps, freestyle

  • Inline skating 13-13.6 mph

Calculating Moderate vigorous intensity heart rate using APMHR:

  • 220-(your current age) x .65

  • Anything above this number will be the range your heart rate needs to stay above in order to be considered moderate intensity.

  • Example Age 65

  • 101 bpm and above for Vigorous Intensity

Calculating Vigorous intensity heart rate using Heart Rate Reserve:

  1. Determine your age predicted maximal heart rate (APMHR) : 220-(your current age)

    • Ex: 220-42=178 bpm (this the APMHR for a 42 year old)

  2. Determine your heart rate reserve: APMHR-Resting Heart Rate

    • Ex: 178-50=128 (this is the heart rate reserve for a 42 year old with a resting heart rate of 50 bpm)

  3. Multiply your heart rate reserve by .6

    • Ex: 128 x .6 = 76.8

  4. Add your resting heart rate back into these two values to get your heart rate range for moderate intensity activity.

    • Ex: 76.8 = 50 =126.8

    • The heart rate range for a 42 year old with a resting heart rate of 50 bpm to stay in vigorous intensity exercise would be anything about 127 bpm


Dietary Fiber 101


Moderate Intensity Activities