Moderate Intensity Activities

You’ve become aware that what you thought was enough physical activity during your week was in fact no where close! You want to start reaching your minimums but you are unclear of what is moderate and what is vigorous. Well here are a few ways to figure that out:

Moderate intensity activity can be described as:

  • Exercise that ranges between 3-6 METS (that requires you to use 3 to 6 times more energy to do than the energy it takes to sit on the couch)

  • Exercise that gets your heart rate in the range of 57-64% of your Age Predicted Max Heart Rate (more on that)

  • Exercise that gets your heart rate in the range of 40-60% of your Heart Rate Reserve (this is a better way to determine range if you know your resting heart rate and are not afraid of a little math!

Activities that fall in the 3-6 METs range:

  • Pilates

  • Stationary cycling 30-50 Watts

  • Calisthenics, like body weight Turkish get ups

  • Rowing machine 50 Watts

  • Golf using a golf cart

  • Walking 3.5 mph on a level, firm surface

  • Golf, walking carrying clubs

  • Tennis, doubles

  • Basketball, shooting around

  • Aerobic dance, low impact

  • Walking, 4 mph, brisk pace

  • Water aerobics

  • Badminton, social singles or doubles

  • Step aerobics with a 4 inch step

  • Swimming laps, free style light effort

  • Outdoor cycling 10-12 mph light effort

  • Basketball, non game

Calculating Moderate intensity heart rate using APMHR:

  • 220-(your current age) x .57

  • 220-(your current age) x .64

  • The range of these two numbers will be the range your heart rate needs to stay between in order to be considered moderate intensity.

  • Example Age 65

  • 88-99 bpm for Moderate intensity

Calculating Moderate intensity heart rate using Heart Rate Reserve:

  1. Determine your age predicted maximal heart rate(APMHR) : 220-(your current age)

    • Ex: 220-42=178 bpm (this the APMHR for a 42 year old)

  2. Determine your heart rate reserve: APMHR-Resting Heart Rate

    • Ex: 178-50=128 (this is the heart rate reserve for a 42 year old with a resting heart rate of 50 bpm)

  3. Multiply your heart rate reserve by .4 and repeat the calculation for .6

    • Ex: 128 x .4 = 51.2.

    • Ex: 128 x .6 = 76.8

  4. Add your resting heart rate back into these two values to get your heart rate range for moderate intensity activity.

    • Ex: 51.2+50 = 101.2

    • Ex: 76.8 = 50 =126.8

    • The heart rate range for a 42 year old with a resting heart rate of 50 bpm to stay in moderate intensity exercise would be 101.2-126.8


Vigorous Intensity Activities


Physical Activity Minimums for Seniors and Kids