Balance starts with, well the feet.
Balance - do you have it?
Balance is vital to everyone, especially those further along in the aging process. How’s yours?
How to improve your sit and rise test score
Sit and rise test, what’s your score?
Summer School 2023
Mental Health: Small Steps lead to large successes
Mental Health: Exercise benefits
Mental Health: the statistics
A 5-10 minute recharge to incorporate more movement into your day
Create a movement action plan
Motion is the lotion: But when you have to sit…
Motion is the lotion
Address stress recipe for success
March Focus: Strategies to address the stress
March Focus: How does stress affect your wellness?
March focus: Address the stress
The habit challenge
Strategies for making your habits stick: go small
Habit setting strategy: Don’t go big.
Strategies for making your habits stick: Habit stacking
Habit stacking - a great way to apply a new habit using pre-existing routines